Marriage Hunger Games

March 11, 2015 | Written by

At some point life got busy.

As we finish our eighth year of marriage it’s pretty obvious we’ve become responsible and started “getting lots of stuff done.” If marriage success was solely calculated by output, childcare hours, church service, and getting bills paid we’d be doing just fine.

The Marriage Hunger Games was a glorious reminder that I didn’t choose my wife Erin for productivity but also for the love, joy, and silly fun that we can have along the journey. The premise of the event was simple enough … a scavenger hunt dinner date that encouraged some genuine conversation and some activities to shake things up a little. Ordering as Peta and Katniss from the Hunger Games, posing in a rock band photo with your servers, buying your spouse a $5 gift, and even switching driving duties were just a few of the creative options to choose from.

There were also some questions provided that started great conversations. They helped nudge us past the day-to-day survival mode mindset and got us talking about goals we had or dreams that had been buried. It was a reminder to focus on who my wife is and not just what she does, and she was able to give me some encouragement I truly needed. In many ways this was really the most unexpected fun of the evening.

When all the couples from the event gathered back at church for dessert it was so much fun to get a glimpse into the unique fun all the other couples had. One couple taking a stroll through their high school sweetheart stomping grounds, while another couple was having so much fun with their questions they drew a pair of total strangers into the game. It was a much needed “me too” moment where we gained strength from the delight others took in their evening. If seeing is believing – check out #marriagehungergames on instragram for yourself.

This month we will begin our ninth year of marriage together and I know we both are looking forward to the next event at Pulpit Rock Church to encourage and strengthen us on our marriage adventure.

Written by Josh Ruff

Our next marriage event is happening in April! Details coming next week…


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3 thoughts on “Marriage Hunger Games”

  1. Mu husband and I are interested in this. Where do we get more details? Do we need to come to the meeting this Sunday? Thanks!

    • Hi! Our next marriage event is called Questioning Marriage. It is happening on April 24. (Marriage Hunger Games was an event last fall.) If you’d like to sign up for Questioning Marriage, you can do so here.

      If you are interested in our Marriage Coaching program (what the meeting on Sunday was about), you can read more about and sign up here.

      Did this answer your questions? Let me know if you have other questions.

  2. Heard about the last Marriage Hunger Games – my husband and i aren’t local but wanted to know details and if there’s still room for us and/or for another couple or couples (our friends).


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